Archive: Summer 2013


Elizabeth P. Glixman is our guest poetry editor for the summer issue. She brings her insight, expertise, and love of good writing to the job and we think you will agree that her ear for the language and music of poetry and her appreciation of visual imagery has given us a remarkable collection of poems.

Elizabeth is a poet, artist and writer. She is the author of the poetry chapbooks: A White Girl Lynching, Cowboy Writes a Letter & Other Love Poems, both published by Pudding House Publications, The Wonder of It All published by Propaganda Press and I Am the Flame published by Finishing Line Press. Elizabeth has also been the Interview Editor for Eclectica Magazine. ( She has a teaching degree as well as a degree in fine arts (studio arts) and has worked with children and adults in arts and educational programs. Her poetry, fiction and interviews appear in numerous print and online publications.

Nonnie Augustine

Poetry: Saunders and Good

This Morning I met Seamus Heaney ...

The Game

an armed man lurks in ambush

The Sunday Special by Stan Long

The Cellist’s First Date by Marja Hagborg

Nesting Dolls by Carly Berg

Poetry: Scully, Thomas, Jacobson

Colm Scully's work often delves into themes of memory, place, and the human experience, and "A Poem Remembered" is a beautiful representation of these themes.

The Goatherd’s Fingers" is a masterful piece that uses detailed and evocative imagery to depict the life of a goatherd in a way that is both realistic and poetic.

Ocean's Alive is a perfect blend of nature's might and delicate balance, the poetry encapsulates the essence of the image in rich, immersive colors.

Tudor, Ferraro, Good

Amy in the Dark

Buenos Aires: A Literary City

personal history

Poetry by Paul Hostovsky and Art Selection (2013)

Aubade uses these vivid personifications and contrasts to create a playful yet poignant commentary on the nature of enthusiasm, routine, and perhaps the human tendency to become jaded or unappreciative of the everyday wonders of the world.-

This section of the website displays original illustrations and details their use in various literary contexts. For more information and to view the artwork, you can visit the page by clicking on the imagge. Thanks!

Hostovsky writes about the allure of poetry and the arts, and how they can inspire us to make choices that might not seem logical but are deeply appealing to our sense of beauty and romanticism.

Flis, Sigriddaughter, Ginsberg

The First Wife

“Good Friday- Mary Magdalen

Fly South

Tepper, Ismail, (Karachi, Pakistan)


"Every night I go alone to the theatre. Because Denis is French and married and running this hotel, he never gets to the theatre. I regale him about this or that play. I tell him London is somewhat like New York only way better. Laughing, he disputes my claim saying New York is still the best city in the world."

A Gentle Heart (Obit)

"I would lie in bed watching her morning ritual with a statuette of Buddha looking on as well. This would begin with greetings by birds chirping in her garden on bushes of red and yellow exora, hibiscus flowers, graceful palms, butterflies, and clay figurines of ducks and elephants. Her bed was right alongside a window to the garden and the curtains were never drawn."


Sheila Black is author of House of Bone and Love/Iraq (both CW Press). A third collection Wen Kroy is forthcoming from Dream Horse Press. A 2012 Witter Bynner Fellow in Poetry, selected by Philip Levine, she co-edited Beauty is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability (Cinco Puntos) with Jennifer Bartlett and Mike Northen. She lives in San Antonio, Texas.

Changming Yuan, 4-time Pushcart nominee and author of Chansons of a Chinaman (Leaf Garden, 2009) and Landscaping (Flutter Press, 2014), holds a PhD in English, tutors, and co-edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Qing Yuan in Vancouver. Recently interviewed by PANK, Yuan's poetry appears in 709 literary publications worldwide, including Barrow Street, Best Canadian Poetry, BestNewPoemsOnline, Exquisite Corpse and Threepenny Review.

Howie Good, a journalism professor at SUNY New Paltz, is the author of the forthcoming poetry collection The Middle of Nowhere (Olivia Eden Publishing) and the forthcoming poetry chapbooks The Complete Absence of Twilight (Mad Hat Press), Echo's Bones and Danger Falling Debris (Red Bird Chapbooks), and An Armed Man Lurks in Ambush (unbound CONTENT).

John Saunders' first collection 'After the Accident' was published in 2010 by Lapwing Press, Belfast.

John is one of three featured poets in Measuring, Dedalus New Writers published by Dedalus Press in May 2012. His second full collection Chance was published in April 2013 by New Binary Press.

Joan Colby has published widely in journals such as Poetry, Atlanta Review, South Dakota Review, etc.and has received many awards including an Illinois Arts Council Fellowship. She has 10 books, the latest “Dead Horses" from Future Cycle Press which will issue a “Selected Poems" in 2013.

Larry D. Thomas, a member of the Texas Institute of Letters, was privileged to serve as the 2008 Texas Poet Laureate. He has published twenty collections of poems, the most recent of which is Uncle Ernest (Virtual Artists Collective, Chicago, 2013). His Larry D. Thomas: New and Selected Poems (TCU Press, 2008) was long-listed for the National

Book Award. His poem in this issue of Linnet’s Wings is from his chapbook-in-progress titled, The Goatherd.

Steven Jacobson was born and raised in the Mid-west graduating from UW-La Crosse, WI with a double major in Physics and Mathematics. He has attended (8) classes from the Loft Literary Center, promoting all levels of creative writing. Steven's interest in writing poetry happened seven years ago, when he submitted a poem for Vail Place Newsletter for mentally challenged.

Paul Hostovsky is the author of four books of poetry, most recently Hurt Into Beauty (FutureCycle Press, 2012). His poems have won a Pushcart Prize and two Best of the Net Awards. To read more of his poetry, visit him at

Colm Scully is a chemical engineer from Cork. He has been published in Cyphers, The Stony Thursday Book, Poetry Bus, Wordlegs and Boyne Berries. He was shortlisted for the 2012 Fish Poetry Prize. He has guested in Cork and Limerick, and around Coventry as part of the Twin City Poetry Exchange 2011.



Guest Editor:
Elizabeth Glixman

Editors for Review:
Bill West
Nonnie Augustine
Yvette Wielhouwer Flis

Diana Ferraro
Marie Fitzpatrick

Consulting on Copy:
Digby Beaumont

Spanish Translations:
Diana Ferraro

Contributing Editors:
Martin Heavisides

Photography Editor:
Maia Cavelli

Database Manager:
Peter Gilkes

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Founded in Edgeworthstown, Co. Longford, in ROI, in 2007

Publisher: M. Lynam Fitzpatick

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