Spanish New World Poetry

by Stephen Zelnick
In a recent interview (“Democracy Now", March 3, 2015), Noam Chomsky, portrayed a world of trouble but when asked whether he saw promise in recent global developments, Chomsky brightened. “Yes," he said, “the emergence of democratic movements in Latin America." Latin America has seen the worst of times. Argentina (land of silver) fell from economic prominence at the opening of the 20th C. into a nightmare of vicious fascist control, corruption, and impoverishment. There is not much Latin America needs to learn about imperialism’s destructiveness or the need to take a new path. In the same way, women in Latin America have been emerging from centuries of Hispanic machismo.
Alfonsina Storni put it this way:

Bien Pudiera Ser
It Well Could Be

Spanish World Poetry

Empty Bowl by Martin Heavisides

In this play, Heavisides masterfully crafts a narrative that is not just a story to be told, but a philosophical exploration to be experienced. "Empty Bowl" is a compelling invitation to explore the depths of our own existence and the intricate connections that bind us to the world and to each other.

Empty Bowl


Medicine by JIm Parks

I learned to drive on the roads of deep east Texas. They cut through the piney woods like random surgical scars through undulating furry green tissue browned by fallen needles and cones.

I'm talking about really driving, now. I'm talking about balling the jack through the night and early morning while my father snoozed on the back seat, farting and scratching.

Medicine by Jim Parks

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