Fire Pantoum by Toby Cogswell

Sweet woman dimly lit by candle

shadows beneath eyes, her life is ancient

“Don’t go” she says quietly, “Please don’t go”

 coyotes yell at the moon, sea of twinkles


Shadows beneath eyes, her life is ancient

cat across sky, the mouse a bad omen

 coyotes yell at the moon, sea of twinkles

 funeral music overlays the dark night


Cat across sky, the mouse a bad omen

get the broom, sweep with sage and jasmine

 funeral music overlays the dark night

the scholar watches her legs while she cleans


Get the broom sweep with sage and jasmine

t he bold rocks glow like hidden statues

the scholar watches her legs while she cleans

 throat dry, the scholar desires desire


The bold rocks glow like hidden statues

 cretaceous missiles planted in Earth

throat dry, the scholar desires desire

beards must pray, pray for redemption


Cretaceous missiles planted in Earth

flame and smoke, torches, smoke

beards must pray, pray for redemption

fire fire, give me fire

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