I light a Candle by Oohan V. Joslin

I Light a Candle

by Oonah V. Joslin


I light a candle

there’s no need

except for flickering warmth and dancing fire


I light a candle watch the primal space that is infrared

with scientific detachment


My candle is not tallow spermaceti or beeswax but a hydrocarbon

by-product of ocean-bed


long dead; not very romantic,

 not very devotional.

I will mark off

feast days in candle hours


invest festive emotion

into each illumination;

invoke times past

and eke the darks days out


with thoughts of

 loved ones gone

and loved ones far

and near. Year on year


I light a candle.

There’s no need

except the heart’s deep yearning

for some ancestral hearth.


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