The Poetry Connection by Nonnie Augustine

My namesake, my Nonnie, was a dream grandmother. She knew every nursery rhyme, every silly song, and read from Robert Louise Stevenson's "A Child's Garden of Verses," with the same joy with which I would listen. She may not have been as good at other roles in life as she was as a grandmother, but because of Nonnie, I excelled in Mother Goose in Kindergarten, and poetry has been a life-long love.

later, I taught Kindergarten myself. The children I taught were misfits-emotionally disturbed five-year-olds, who were wild, withdrawn, violent, and to a child, oppositional. When it was time to sing songs, listen to stories, and recite poems together, they were well-behaved, happy, content classmates, who liked each other and enjoyed their young lives, more than at any other time of day. Children don't have to be taught to love rhyme and metrical language. They are fascinated with ditties like, "Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross to see a fine lady upon a white horse. With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, she shall have music wherever she goes," long before the words convey meaning to them. Try it. Bounce a oneyear-old on your knee, with and without a spoken verse or song, and see the delight in the child's face when he or she hears magical, metrical rhyme.

"I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree." Do Yeats' words speak to a longing in you? I'd guess yes, that they do. He didn't say, "I'll get up and go to Innisfree." The meaning is the same-but there is no poetry in the second version. It is not a magnificent line, as is the first. Oh, yes. Our gift is that we recognize the music of language, we are hard-wired to, and we have been all our lives. We can understand meaning through metaphor, or listen to "'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves/ Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:," and glean much more than nonsense from Lewis Carroll's words.

Good modem poets often eschew forms and rhyme schemes from other centuries, creating their own structures, scansions, and devices so that their words will reach, again in W.B. Yeats words, "the deep heart's core." Craft, insight, emotion are needed to drive poetry to that place within us, as much today as during any other period of our human history. When today's poets do use the frame of a sestina or a villanelle, fresh, relevant, language is needed to anchor the lines in modem minds and souls. Poetry isn't only for poets. It is an important part of our humanity. Ask a baby and you will see the proof. --Editorial 2007

Story: Managan, Collins and Soto

"In The Closet" by Yvette Managan explores Mary's reflective journey through marriage to self-discovery. Amid memories and a symbolic dress, she navigates identity, resilience, and change, culminating in a choice that defines her path to independence and authenticity. A poignant tale of transformation

"Smell of Rain" by Ramon Collins explores the reflective moments of Henry Jenkins, a former baseball champion, as he confronts aging, legacy, and mortality on his porch, amidst the backdrop of an impending storm and personal battles, encapsulating lifeFs transient beauty and inevitable changes

A humorous tale of a grandmother's struggle with tiny print on a medication bottle, reflecting on generational gaps, accessibility, and globalization. A witty exploration of aging in a modern world.

Story: Fitzpatrick, Patrick, Miller

"Eden" is a richly layered work that invites multiple readings, each uncovering new dimensions of interaction between the natural world and human history. It weaves a complex narrative that invites reflection on the beauty and transience of existence.

Patrick's ability to weave together memories, emotions, and the symbolic power of water results in a narrative that is both touching and resonant, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Miller's succinct storytelling invites readers to reflect on the meaning of companionship, the evolution of relationships over time, and the ways in which individuals navigate the expectations placed upon them by society and themselves.

Summer by Mary Miller

We grill chicken, corn, sweet potatoes. There are only two of us but we cook for many more. You cut your toenails, drink ice water, eat popsicles. I smoke cigarettes. The mosquitoes swarm.

Marriage, I say: a death sentence. And then Beck comes on the XM Radio. You squeeze my arm and I ask if you want to have sex later and you say yes. You made a promise to God and everyone else, I used to say, before. But now I don't mention God. And I don't mention everyone else because they're not here. It's just the two of us, in this house, and the dog in the backyard, awaiting our scraps.


2007 - Miller

I'm convinced Micro & Flash are fiction's future by Ramon Collins

Perhaps the future is already here because it's the way people today like to read. More newspaper readers read the personal ads and the comics than read the editorials.

Is it shortened attention spans? It might be a Pavlovian "conditioned response" after four generations of TV idiots. It could be the effect of today's mad dash to nowhere. Whatever, the crafts are here to stay.

In four to eight thousand word short stories the writer has time to describe the living room curtains and what the protagonist's Aunt Maud from Wexford had for breakfast, but not in Micro or Flash fiction. The writer can imply we're in the house and that someone's in the kitchen. What the living room or Aunt Maud looks like is up to the involvement of the reader's imagination.

In my opinion, that's the key to the Micro & Flash crafts; "involvement". With the writer's skill at inference and implication the reader is invited to participate in the story -- to become an onlooker inside the story who asks the characters questions.

These are not television stories where you're spoonfed plot, settings, characters and dialog. Please participate and enter ...

2007 Ramon Collins

Poetry: Augustine, Walters, Bittner

Nonnie Augustine's 'In Time' is a poetic reflection on love, companionship, and the artful embrace of life's journey, inviting readers to appreciate the beauty in the details and the richness of shared experiences.

Walters captures the essence of a moment suspended in time, where the grandeur of the Grand Canyon in winter mirrors the depth and beauty of a shared love.

"Out of Rock! NOW" is a powerful piece that delves into the complexities of human relationships, the hard work of building a life together, and the pain of seeing shared dreams crumble.


I have a bit of storm outside my window;
it's weather, pure and simple: just release.
Are these the gales that split the skies of Scotland
that blast that took her children piece by piece?
My bit of storm, quite spent, is now reclining
upon the house, turned inward from the sea.
Our naked coast lies warm and under cover
of snow-drift sheets, a gift from Lockerbie.
From Galloway, cross Dumphries' frozen meadows,
through Strathclyde, teasing heathers down below,
just out of view, the Channel's wildly reeling
from blows of wind and punches packing snow.
You see, my bit of storm is simple comfort:
my children sleep beside me on the floor.
I'm not that mother rocking still at daybreak
with hopes on hinges, staring at the door.

Summer 2007

Poetry: Managan, Walters, Bittner

Managan's poem is rich with layers, offering a critique wrapped in the beauty and violence of a landscape that's both inviting and repelling.

Walters' poem is a tribute to the power of nature, history, and human connection. It invites readers to reflect on their own journeys and the landscapes that hold significance in their lives.

Through its evocative imagery and emotional depth, "Flight 103 to Lockerbie: Happy Anniversary" captures the complex interplay of personal and collective memory, the beauty and violence of nature, and the enduring impact of loss.

Out of Rock! NOW by Russell Bittner

In the druse of a rock, in a bed by a stream,
I remember how we'd plan, and I relish how we'd scheme,
search for sloughs in the rock, slither down upon a beam,
and without a worry split through the cracks to a dream,

grab an axe as we'd grind, stave a cradle as we'd scheme,
go for gold in the rock, hew a groove in the beam,
sinking down, as we lay, melding mettle to our dream
of a roof overhead, made of slate, by a stream.

Then we culled through the rock as we mulled on the beam,
grating hard - as we cooed in our cote of a dream
under roof, without rules, in a swale by a stream -
at the stones that would channel us like weirs through our scheme

thinking too, as we grew in the drama of our dream
- while it slid like a rill to a freshet to a stream -
that for babies out of lock, we'd need wedding in our scheme
and to glom to the rock like a burl to a beam.

In the druse of a rock, in a glade by a stream,
I regret how your act blew to smithereens our scheme,
and how I, like a crag, cracked the sinew of the beam,
as from there, we then crashed through the cracks of our dream.

Previously published at, Oct., '06
The Linnet's Wings, Spring 2007

Managan, Augustine, Collins

Angelic by Yvette Managan beautifully intertwines themes of love, passion, loss, and the haunting presence of the past, all while navigating the intricate dance of human emotions and interactions.

"Simple Tilly" is not just a story about a young girlFs encounter with love and betrayal; it is a reflection on the strength of the human spirit in the face of lifeFs adversities. It speaks to the universal themes of love, loss, and the search for belonging

Learning to Fly by Anne Collisn is a reflection on the strength of the human spirit in the face of life's adversities. It speaks to the universal themes of love, loss, and the search for belonging and acceptance.

Taking the road from Crownpoint to Chaco by Ann Walters

Old convertible, top down, and I don't mind my hair blowing In the wind. He likes that. The dirt road is rutted, dusty, curvaceous as a sidewinder. Blue sky swallows us whole, We are driving toward a city that ceased to breathe long ago. Its skeleton takes the form of stone walls, Its dreams are etched on boulders. A faint pulse still beats in the damp sand of the arroyo. We hold hands and let the warm air move through us. The juniper smells like a new beginning.
starlight in canyon
ten thousand ghosts whispering
we ride smooth and swift

Spring 2007

State of Rapture by Marie Fitzpatrick

My mother has trouble remembering my name.
Fifty years ago, they'd say she was mad as snakes.
I think she is one of the saved
who lives in the State of Rapture.

There on this separate plane
she shares beauty and light
with others who are embraced by angels.
And while we keep watch on a shell
she looks down.

2007, Fitzpatrick

Editorial, Summer 2007

Gina Kelly's evocative, B&W portraiture captured our attention and hearts when featured as an ekphrastic prompt on a website for poets in the Upper Midwest. Gina first mastered basic photographic skills under the tutelage of landscape photographer Larry Schwarm, before moving on to a long-term mentorship with Jock Sturges. She has exhibited in Kansas, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, California and New York. Her work has been published in The Utne Reader, The Sun and Shots Magazine, among many others. In 2001, Gina's cover art for an Oprah Winfrey book club selection caught the attention of a trauma therapist who, in collaboration with Gina, introduced Gina's portraiture as a healing medium for women's therapy groups in Arizona and Ireland. Nothing could be more gratifying to the artist, who is thrilled whenever her work is able to touch a place inside her viewers. Reflecting on the vulnerability of her own girlhood, Gina has often favored portraiture that memorializes the emotional freshness of that fleeting developmental era. Her images consistently offer a compelling level of emotional accessibility that dares her viewers to step into the dawning cosmos of her young photographic subjects. Readers can visit Gina's on-line studio at for a broader selection of her photographic art. Our special thanks to Gina for her help in launching this inaugural issue of The Linnet's Wings. @M. Cavelli, Writer's Corner/The Linnet's Wings

Art Wall Summer 2007

Mexican Escape by Yvette Managan

mexican escape
tequila sunsets
you will ice your drink
and bend over ruins
defacing gods

night virgins grind
corn in the sunlight
whisper you are a man
turn the rosaries away
in the dusk

wander through jungles
mosquitoes suck
coldened blood
from the arms
of defiled americans

@ 2007 Yvette Managan

Story: Scurvy Bastard and Managan

In the hands of the author what could have been a simple anecdote transforms into a layered exploration of tradition, identity, and the enduring power of shared moments.

The story is a poignant reminder that sometimes, the most profound connections in our lives are those that cannot be neatly captured or preserved, but instead linger on the edges of our consciousness, shaping us in ways we may never fully understand.

we will walk on gravel paths
studded with gemstones.
Our plates and bowls
will be chipped porcelain
exquisitely painted.
When we drive in our weary car,
we will listen to Mozart.
Sunlight will fade our carpet
and our windows
will be draped
in fine French lace.
We will dress for work
and undress for pleasure.

Sway and I'll steady you.
If I slip, you'll right me.
Each will soften the landings
of the other's great leaps.

As we sit at this cafe table in Montmartre,
sheltered from the downpour,
I see our future.
I will write it down on torn paper,
using a sapphire pen.

2007-Nonnie Augustine

Poetry: Fitzpatrick, Managan, Fitzpatrick

"State of Rapture" is a powerful meditation on the intersections of mental health, spirituality, and love. It challenges readers to reconsider their perceptions of mental health conditions, not as mere deficits or diseases but as potential gateways to deeper, albeit different, forms of awareness and connection.

Managan's use of vivid imagery and the progression from past to future create a layered narrative that speaks to the complexities of human emotions and relationships. The poem navigates through themes of guilt, beauty, mortality, and anxiety, leaving the reader with a sense of the profound impacts of our actions and experiences across time.

"You Went A Courtin" is a thought-provoking poem that skillfully blends historical, cultural, and personal elements to explore the depth of human experience. It invites readers to reflect on their own rituals, beliefs, and the mirrors through which they view themselves and others.

Memory of a Winter's Day by Ann Walters

There is silence in the cold morning air.
Snow over red rock, green juniper dusted with sugar.
The world is a frosted wedding cake.

It is the Grand Canyon in winter, our third anniversary,
and the empty parking lot echoes the soft clamp
of our hands, the smash of our lips.

The waitress, with a swift seam and a deft hand, is inobtrusive.
She is a young woman of formal motion and friendly voice who does not exist,
while through the window we watch snow drift like lazy confetti.

And the whole world is here right now,
falling at our feet in small pieces of white perfection.
No two flakes are the same, no two moments together
any less singular for the ones that have gone before.

There is silence in the cold morning air.
Snow cloaks red rock, green juniper is dusted with sugar.
The world is a frosted wedding cake.

Ann Walters


Managing Editor: Marie Fitzpatrick
Editors for Review: Ramon Collins, Nonnie Augustine, Yvette Managan
Photography Editor: Maia Cavelli
Database Design, Peter Gilkes
Cover Image: Achill Sound, Marie Fitzpatrick, 2004

Online Editorial: Zoetrope Virtual Studio
Home Office: Edgeworthstown, Co Longford, ROI
Copyright (c) The Linnet's Wings 2007-2023

All Rights Reserved--2007-2025