Front Cover Image:

Title:Suzanne and Caitlyn Moth /Blenheim Palace, Waterfall, Woodstock,UK/Summer 2008
Photo: Mari Fitzpatrick

One Too Many Mornings by Kyle Hemmings

Barbary Dove by Sergio Ortiz

The Music Box by Stan Long

Wild Strawberries by Lisa Cihlar

Stewart by Kristi Stokes

Empty Wheelchair Waits
by Bill West

Spokes flash orange under street lights. Tires rumble across pavement cracks. Andrew bats his wheelchair wheels.

The tires suck a dry track, picking up chip wrappers and leaves to scatter them in his wake. He doesn't care that the dogs bark and snap or that children jeer as he passes. He's headed for the fair.

Music thumps in his chest; red, yellow and blue lights chase across his upturned face. He peers at waltzers, ...

by Carla Martin=Wood

Ta gra agam duit, mo run

When I die/it shall be with/your name on my lips/the last word/I speak into/earth's air and that name/I shall bear upon/my tongue/and it shall go/with me into/what comes after

And when I board/that dark barge/and my soul speaks/its first word to/the grim boatman/that name shall fall/from my lips/and it shall be/ the coin that pays/my passage

The Smell of Salt
by Loretta Sylvestre

Ginny escaped north over a four-lane stretch of U.S. Highway 99. The sun hung low in the west and the roadbed shone, stretching across the flats like a river of red. She drove a nineteen fifty-six cream lacquered Chevy Belair. Only five years old and still perfect, the car flew through the miles and kicked up a wind that lifted Ginnys brown curls and cooled her neck. That rushing air brought welcome relief from the heat that, despite autumn and oncoming night, flooded the desert.

The Bicycle Mechanic by Foster Trecost

Citrine by MD Kempis

Vanishing point by Oonah Joslin

Begging Songs, by Martin Heavisides

Empty Bowl by Martin Heavisides

View Link

Abt, ART, McConnell

Facing the Train
by Carl T Abt

Art Galley
Summer 2008

Untitled 11
by Michael Constantine McConnell

Lago, Dyer, Blake, Williamson, Wood

by Susan Lago

by Neil Dyer

An Old Friend
by Mike Blake

Taken by Hand, Heart and Storm
by Ernest Williamson III

The Pugilist
by Carla Martin-Wood

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Spring 2008
Design @Mari

Issue Information

Publishing Office
Co. Leitrim
Summer 2008

Managing Editor:
Marie Fitzpatrick

Ramon Collins
Yvette Managan

Nonnie Augustine

Database Design:
Peter Gilkes

All Rights Reserved--2007-2024